

The mysterious character of Merlin features prominently within the tales of King Arthur. Featuring as the British King’s counsellor and mentor.

The depiction best known to us today is a product of the 12th century British author Geoffrey of Monmouth.  

The very name Merlin has provided controversy for historians.  The name Myrddin is the most agreed upon origin.  A name which originates within the Brythonic tongue that was spoken at the time by the native people of Britain before the Anglo-Saxon invasions.  Modern day Welsh is a derivation of the ancient Brythonic tongue.

The Birth of Merlin

The birth of Merlin is recorded in detail within the famous “History of the Kings of Britain”, 1137”.  He was the son of a mortal holy woman and a so called ‘demon’ . He was born in the town of Carmarthen, Wales.

Merlin’s Youth

At the time of Merlin’s youth, the British King Vortigern was losing territory to the Saxon invaders.  King Vortigern fled into Wales.  He had a fortress built as protection, though the walls would not stand for long.  Every day he would order for the wall to be built and then shortly after the wall would crumble down. The King’s advisers concocted a plan, a ritualistic killing, where a fatherless youth would be sacrificed, and his blood mixed with the mortar.  The youth they sought was Merlin.  Soon after, they met with Merlin. Merlin aware of their plans explained how ludacris their thought pattern was.  He explained that down below the castle walls, two dragons lived.  One white dragon and one red.  Their fighting was the reason the walls could not stand.

Everything that Merlin revealed was correct.  Merlin went on to explain the very meaning behind the duel.  The white dragon represented the invading Saxons, the red dragon representing the native Britons.  The future Kings of Britain would drive the Saxons off of their land, but inevitably, the Saxons would overcome the Britons and rule over the entire Island.  

Merlin The Wizard

Soon after King Vortigern’s death, Merlin advised Aurelius Ambrosius another British King, to bring large bluestones from Mount Killaraus in Ireland and to place them in a circle at Salisbury, England.  This incredible work is known today as Stonehenge.  How he managed such as act was unknown to most.

A new British king named Uther had a problem in which he sought help.  He had fallen for the wife of another man.  He knew of a man rumoured to be a wizard and believed that if anyone could help him, it was the famous magician.  Merlin agrees to help King Uther, on the condition that the child born from the consummation would be Merlin’s to raise.  Desperate King Uther complied and had his way with Igraine, the wife of Duke Gorlois.

“It was believed that Merlin cast an enchantment, disguising King Uther as the husband of Igraine, tricking her into believing she was lying with her husband”.

On the very same night Duke Gorlois was killed, his kingdom and wife were surrendered to King Uther.

When Arthur was born, the wizard returned to King Uther to collect his payment.  This payment would become the future King of the Britons.

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