Tristan and Iseult

Tristan and Iseult

The original story of forbidden love. Tristan and Iseult.

A British Prince and Irish Princess

Tristan is the prince of the British Kingdom of Cornwall, nephew of King Mark.  Tristan was raised to be a gifted swordsman and an accomplished harp-player.  While across the sea.  Iseult, the beautiful widely admired princess, lived with her father the King of Ireland on his beautiful estate.


At this time, Cornwall appeased the kingdom of Ireland by sending 300 youths and 300 maidens as a tribute across the sea.  This annual tribute was difficult for the Cornish, and they longed for a champion to remove this injustice by slaying the Irish giant Morholt in a duel.  If this were to happen, the King of Ireland agreed that the tribute would no longer be necessary.

Tristan Accepts the Challenge

Tristan, Cornwall’s greatest knight readily accepts the challenge.  He travels to Ireland and defeats Morholt.  However, in the process injures himself.  Tristan, wounded, returns to his ship, and sets sail for home.  His injury proves to much, he loses consciousness and leaves his ship unmanned.  The boat drifts back to the Irish shore.

An Encounter with A Witch

Locals discover Tristan and his ship washed up upon the shore.  Knowing who he was, the Irish take him back to the Royal Palace.  It is here, where Tristan first meets Iseult.  A sorceress is summoned to heal Tristan.  The sorceress waves her magic and Tristan is healed.  Iseult watches on, curious to see the famous British knight who defeated the giant.  Tristan recovers and returns to Cornwall, to celebrate his victory and the subsequent emancipation of the Cornish people.

The Marriage Request

King Mark hears of Tristan’s journey and honours him.  Curious to hear more about Ireland and the encounter with the giant.  However, Tristan seems more bedazzled by the Irish princess.  As King Mark learns more about the undeniable mystique surrounding Iseult, he requests her hand in marriage.  An alliance of the Kingdoms.  King Mark chooses Tristan as an ambassador and orders him to return to Ireland and bring Iseult to him.

Tristan and Iseult Fall For Eachother

Tristan returns to Ireland and presents the proposal to the Irish King.  The Irish King readily accepts and issues a command to the princess that she must travel to Cornwall to marry the King.  Iseult had her reservations.  She consulted the witch.  The witch gifted her a potion, explaining that if she drank this potion along with the King, they would love each other, and the marriage would be a success.  Tristan and Iseult then set sail for Cornwall.  While journeying they find themselves overcome by an incredible thirst.  Unable to resist they drink the only liquid they have.  The spell is cast.  Tristan and Iseult fall for each other.

The Defiance of Tristan and Iseult

The two lovers arrive on Cornish soil only to redirect their journey towards the British forest.  They plan to live in isolation, where no one can find them.  King Mark learns of the betrayal and sends out a search party.  When the party find Tristan and Iseult, they call for King Mark.  King Mark arrives on the scene and notices the lengths that Tristan has gone to be with Iseult.  Nobly the King pardons the couple.  

Tristan and Iseult Separate

King Mark orders that Iseult must return with him to Cornwall, while Tristan was to be exiled.  Tristan with no other choice flees to Brittany in Northern France.  

Tristan in Brittany

As time passes, Tristan begins his new life far from Cornwall.  He marries and continues with his life.  However, he cannot help but think of Iseult.  Now an old man, Tristan aware of his mortality asks a friend of his Kaherdin for one last favour.  He asks Kaherdin to find Iseult and to let her know where he is and that he is dying.  His last wish to see her once again.  Kaherdin sets sail towards Britain.  Before Kaherdin left, Tristan asked him to raise a white sail if he were to be successful, so that he would know by looking out towards the sea.

As hours turned into days, Tristan grew weaker.  Tristan’s wife learned of the plan between her husband and Kaherdin.  In jealousy she made her way to Tristan and told him she saw Kaherdin’s ship.  It had a black sail raised.  Tristan understanding this symbology assumed the mission was unsuccessful and died of heartache.  However, Kaherdin had been successful and Iseult arrived on the shore of Britanny shortly after.  She was brought to Tristan and kneels by his body and dies.  Her lips locked with his, in one last kiss.

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